Tuesday, March 21, 2017

rsync with delete option and different ssh port

How to rsync e.g PIPELINE dir from Source to Destination?

#rsync -avzr  --delete-before -e "ssh -p $portNumber"  /local/path/user@remoteip:/path/to/files/

#rsync -avzr --delete-before -e "ssh -p 5555" /root/PIPELINE root@

How to rsync from Destination to Source?

#rsync -avzr -e "ssh -p $portNumber" user@remoteip:/path/to/files/ /local/path/.

#rsync -avzr -e "ssh -p 5555" root@ 

rsync with delete option and different ssh port

How to rsync e.g PIPELINE dir from Source to Destination? #rsync -avzr   --delete-before  -e "ssh -p $portNumber"  /local...